young adult

a. The age group rivaling teenagers for being on the receiving end of the most ageism. b. An age group often forced to go back to their parents after finishing college because try as they might, it is impossible to secure even a so-called entry-level job. c. The age group most targeted by cops after teenagers with accusations of criminal activity. d. The age group most royally screwed over by economy. Most graduates in this age group either have no job at all or are highly overqualified for their job/are underemployed. e. The age group that is slowly coming to the realization that they will have to decide between attending school until their thirties and sitting at their parent's house. f. A highly disillusioned age group that has learned the harsh fact that they will NOT have a lot of money or success, nor will they own a house or brand new car. g. The age group frequently accused of having a strong sense of entitlement by anyone over 35.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to young adult. Some of the top words include: forty-two, hated, Teacher, homan, score, and 25 more.